

爱游攻略 1



1、2.What's your father doing now?He is watching TV.1 does he he a comr?Attributive clause: English has attributive clause, and some very short, some very long, and n inside sral sets of clauses. Comparison of short easier, because in Chinese, there are corresponding to the structure, just different itions, to put it in front of modified noun. Some clauses may be very long, it may not be very long, but combined with the front not very tight, often on the front of a supplementary explanation. This situation in the Chinese language in general are used side by side or parallel clause predicate to go down, or from one another.2 we can play football toger3 that sounds great4 do you he pingpang? yes They he6 watch tv7 do some excercise8 go to the same school9 play electronic s10 I do not h楼/层 / Fe a football, but my brother he it.11 I am playing basketball with my friends12 I like sports, but i just watch them in evision.13 I play table tennis with my clasates after class.当然,转换后的地址顺序与国内相反,国内的地址是递减的地址,和的地址是先小后大。

2、句子:3 3单元333室,南岗区,哈尔滨市,黑龙江省富华区另外,你要记住,以解决与“”和“Zip”的尾巴。

3、这里是我整理出来的信息,您希望对大家有所帮助:地址在英语写作格式:省省或 省。

4、 市县县区区镇镇> 村村组单位。

5、室/房或室街街圣 方式路号巷/巷巷花园> 学校花园堆场邮箱邮箱厂厂餐厅/酒店酒店大学号宿舍学院宿舍注1:表示序数,如,第二,第三,第四......也可以使用号代替,或者直接填充的数量。

6、 “,区,园”之类的东西很难翻译直接写拼音“李曲元”。

7、 东(南,西,北)路,直接用拼音,或写东(南,西,北)路。

8、如果没有足够的地方可以写在3012室,5 :5-3012。






14、假如是作业的话还请自己做哦 乖孩子用Google翻译吧。
